Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quote of the Day!

I was so glad to see Julie's post about the Fly Lady yesterday.  The housekeeping methods she teaches in her book and on her website have changed our lives.  The Fly Lady believes that one of the reasons people don't do the things they want to, like clean their houses,  is because they are worried that everything has to be done perfectly.  They put so much pressure on themselves to be perfect that they are afraid to start because they don't want to fail.

 I thought it would be fitting today  to put some of the quotes from the Fly Lady's book for our Quote of the Day.  Check out her website at flylady.com  You will be glad you did!

Today's Quotes:

"Perfectionism will keep you from ever getting out of the chaos"

"No one is perfect and it is an unattainable goal to set for yourself. "

"I have found over the last 2 years that PERFECTIONISM is the main reason our homes are in bad shape or CHAOS! PERFECTIONISM is the reason we are depressed and PERFECTIONISM keeps us from making things better"

"We are imperfect beings and praise God for our imperfection. He made us and He loves us regardless."

       ~Marla Cilley-The Fly Lady
             Sink Reflections pages 14-15

~Posted by Elizabeth

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